Picking Cherries in the Espanola Valley / Leah Browning

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 Leah Browning is the author of three nonfiction books for teens and pre-teens (Capstone Press) and a chapbook, Making Love to the Same Man for Fifteen Years (Big Table Publishing, 2009). Her fiction, poetry, essays, and articles have previously appeared in a variety of publications including Queen's Quarterly, 42opus, The Saint Ann's Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Blood Orange Review, and Autumn Sky Poetry, as well as on a broadside from Broadsided Press, on postcards from the program Poetry Jumps Off the Shelf, and in several anthologies. In addition to writing, Browning serves as editor of the Apple Valley Review. Her personal website is located at www.leahbrowning.com.


File this poem under C.
My name under B or L
(3, 2, or 12 using a numeric code).

Give it an A for effort,
a B+ for content,
an O negative for my blood type.

Send it in a memo
with “Poetry” as the subject.

Send it to your ex-wife
(angry, bitter, jaded)
or your new girlfriend
(perfect, beautiful, a little needy).

Print it in a book
under “Miscellaneous.”

Make three piles:
Yes, No, and Maybe.
Put the book in the Yes pile.

Mark the box “Things I Need.”
Put it on the highest shelf.
Don’t look inside if you can help it.