The Little Temple of My Sleeping Bag / KJ Hannah Greenberg

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dancing girl press, 2014

KJ Hannah Greenberg, a three time Pushcart Prize Nominee, one time Best of the Net nominee, and an actual National Endowment for the Humanities Scholar, gave up all manners of academic hoopla to raise children. Hannah is an Associate Editor for Bound Off! and for Bewildering Stories.

Hannah’s most recent books include: Citrus-Inspired Ceramics (Aldrich Press, 2013), The Immediacy of Emotional Kerfuffles (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2013), Intelligence’s Vast Bonfires (Lazarus Media, 2012), Supernal Factors (The Camel Saloon Books on Blog, 2012), Don’t Pet the Sweaty Things (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2012), A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck with His Ex-Girlfriend (Unbound CONTENT, 2011), and Oblivious to the Obvious: Wishfully Mindful Parenting (French Creek Press, 2010). Her most recent ambition is a full night's sleep.

Reduced Acuity

I brushed teeth twice,
Daily, before my wife
Died. Leaving three budgies
Plus an angry adolescent.

Sweet atrophy of mind or
Decreased function almost
Never gift me any more
seek five minutes of dysfunctional solace.

Depression, too,
Skips my address
Cancer or car accidents
Offer better venues.

So, my “troubles,” stay unpackaged
By glitzy news, by tidy breveries.
Such inner neap waves, roll, maybe
Ebb, without collected commotion.

Thereafter, no solecism, its sister
Faux pas, or other of the community’s tarts
Compensate my empty spaces. Just
Rough-hewn dissonance follows.