Translucent, sealed. | Megan Merchant

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 Megan Merchant graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas after completing her M.F.A degree in poetry. Her poems and translations have appeared in publications including the Atlanta Review, Kennesaw Review, Margie, International Poetry Review and The Poetry of Yoga. She was the winner of the Las Vegas Poets Prize, judged by Tony Hoagland.  Translucent, Sealed, is her first chapbook publication though Dancing Girl Press. Her first full-length collection, Gravel Ghosts, is forthcoming though Glass Lyre Press.  Her first children’s book, These Words I’ve Shaped For You, will be appearing in 2016 through Philomel Books. Her future is bright.  She wears shades.






Body of blush, purple-veined

skin stretched like dream,


where white clothes hang

there is the slightest hint.


Your breath, not a whisper,

but an entry, a tiny fishing


boat fighting the swallow of sea,

where sleep is stone.


All the witnesses have retired

to wandering the streets,


looking for the woman

whose breasts leak honeyed milk,


her baby, the sound of an egg

cracking, wails.


We raise our glasses, toast

the slightest possibility,


rims touching, filled ever so lightly

with this world.