We Will See the Scatter / Jasmine Nikki Paredes

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dancing girl press, 2014

Jasmine Nikki “Nikay” C. Paredes was born and raised in Cebu City, Philippines.

She received a BFA in Creative Writing from Ateneo de Manila University and an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College.

This Poem is a Mouth

When I sing

of gas-lit lamps, dry anise
over kindling husks, idioms

berthed on seven thousand islands,
I am fleshing out an archipelago

for you—

I am reciting creation
from memory:

how the first man and woman hollowed
from a single stalk of bamboo.

When I place you
between my lips, you will sing

of how coconuts remind you of the nipples of a woman—

your voice
will intimate a vine and scale a city

glossed in rain. I ripen
and you

subtle into song.