dancing girl press, 2014
$7.00 AMY WRIGHT is currently an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Austin Peay State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University of Denver in 2006. Publications include American Letters & Commentary, Ribot 6, New Millenium Writing, and Quarterly West. Crackers blow perfect smoke rings in the musty playhouse of the heart Crackers listen to each other rev their motors and the revolutions throttle after climax, going nowhere. Restless, their hands, their mouths venture the affordable exotic locales of the body, risk the only practical other language. When morning lowers its frost skirt they let it trail away from them like the ball and chain of someone else’s bride, leave it to others to work their way up class ladders with Starter hats and Nikes. Cracker ladies ignore the obvious desperation of catcalls, click their heels, hope if it means nothing, they mean well, toss maraschino cherries into their Alka-Seltzer. The wind whittles their jaws like coastline while they drop, wasp-waisted, in hayfields, owing nothing to no man, & off all day tomorrow. |