dancing girl press, 2014
$7.00 |
Cecilia Pinto’s writing has appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies including Diagram, Fifth Wednesday, Permafrost, Poets/Artists, qarrtsiluni, THIS Literary Magazine and elsewhere. She received her undergraduate degree from Knox College and her MFA in writing from the School of the Art Institute. She lives in the city of Chicago where it is her pleasure to know and work with many wonderful writers
Green Girls Villanelle
The other one dreaming
flutter, come and whisper
two green girls all deep and meaning
unseen mountains always moving.
If you are her
the other one is dreaming
of white petal pink, flowers seeming
to deep kiss your mouth. Ask them to linger.
Two green girls all deep and meaning
yellow fish flash in the river streaming.
Moss cleaves to stones, and what do you, what do you
if one was dreaming
of brown wood, blue meadow? See
red deer rut in the open air.
Hear two green girls all deep and meaning
the rain is heavy, wet and clean.
Can you be thicket, be arbor, be bower
to the other one’s dreaming?
Two green girls all deep and meaning.