Conveyance / Ruth Williams

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 Ruth Williams is a PhD candidate in English Lit. and Creative Writing at the University of Cincinnati where she is also earning a certificate in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her poetry has appeared in jubilat, no tell motel, H_ngm_n, alice blue, past simple, Bone Bouquet, Barn Owl Review, and Bateau among others. Her critical work on feminism and poetry has appeared in Michigan Feminist Studies, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature and is forthcoming in the Journal of Popular Culture. Currently, she is a Fulbright scholar in Seoul, South Korea.

Postcard, Busan

You say "your touch" and it is enough
to unfurl the hands in me. Outside,
the orange awning drilled with rain
sounds like water hitting skin. My fingerprint whorls,
a billowing set of fish lines. In the market,
you hold up a yellow foam fist, push my shoulder.
Meet hand, meet finger, my face to your body
to the inside of a palm--a lithograph of lust.
We are now sucking the tips of each other's tongues.
Draw a map on the bottom of my foot. I believe
we have found the road out of here.