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Laura Madeline Wiseman is the author of the recent books Journey to Nowhere (Finishing Line Press, 2019) and What a Bicycle Can Carry (BlazeVOX [books], 2018). Her chapbooks include Diversions (Dancing Girl Press, 2019).


Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980)

with lines from the screenplay

 All right, now we got a dollar right here, now. It’s a dollar one time. Boys, that’s a dollar twice. That’s sold, right there, for a dollar. All right, that’s $3 once, $3 twice… $5.00. Heck, I’ll bid a dollar, buddy. Here’s your baloney, 48 cents. Hey, a dollar and a dime. I figured that’d be a good day for you and me to get married, especially since I got all that money. Oh, all right, that’s a dollar once, that’s a dollar twice… Once, twice, sold to Mr. Doolittle Lynn for $5. Pay dues? Six bits? Got six bits right there. Who’s gonna bid a dollar? Three and a dime. Three dollars. $3.75. $3.77. We drove all the way here, spent every last dime we had. Well, you know, sometimes you gotta pay a lot of dues to get on the Opry. Who’s gonna start off with a dollar? Who’ll give me a dollar, now?