Nicole Borello’s first full-length book of poetry, So What If I Bleed, was a finalist in both the International Book Awards and USA Book News “Best Books” Award. Her work has appeared in Thick With Conviction and Decompression. Her poem “Skinny in the Real World,” was nominated for Best of the Net. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
San Francisco, with her lack of good dressmakers, knows how to drape a woman’s figure. On Kearney and Montgomery, these women with breasts veiled and plump, collect men in the folds of their parasols and keep them there until tossed to the floor like a hand-sewn corset. Beaten rouge and lines of slanted age rest in their piano key faces. Hair—washed, combed, pulled, wrapped. Hips and waist— indented and itching from years of cinching now have pads of bloom. Men shove their way into the mouths of these women thick with whalebone.