Satarah Wheeler is a poet and professional makeup artist from Branson, Missouri. Her work can be found in Word Riot, Midwestern Gothic, Cave Region Review, and other places. Girls Love Ponies (dancing girl press, 2016) is her first chapbook.
Sea Exposure
It’s a thin water
no teacup, saucer,
which ruins cars,
siding, door & window
the thing & things that
contain(s) the hu-
Swallows, both bird
& action, can inter-
act with the process—
which is to say, a swallow
can birdbath & a swallow
can press down on a button
of lifelong addiction—
which is to say ruins
the thing & things that
contain(s) the hu-
drag it out, frozen, onto
the roof of the world,
but the water
will eventually
decode any obstacle.