Housewifery / Carly Anne Ravnikar

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dancing girl press, 2015



Carly Anne Ravnikar is a recovering housewife living in relative hermitage somewhere in Wisconsin. She shifts between conflicting identities both in her written and visual work, as well as in her personal life. 




The Housewife and the Plumber


A glamorous and a growing. A

distaste for the same old. Which is

to say an understatement. We work to

be good, to be lovely. We pray in socks,

but naked, otherwise, and very erect,

very aroused. We are attentive. We,

both seeking and sought, can't seem

to stand quite still enough in our

position. A crook and a crawling.

An unease in the moment. Which

is to say we're finally breaking.


We live in shifts, stifled in coveralls

and marmalade, chilled in our insides

and yet steamed, yet stalled. A weird

and a wondering. A narcissistic baring.

Which is to imply the obvious. And to take

for granted all things lifting. We borrow

affairs and set out to make our agendas,

our planning, our managing of the home.

