In Flaming Hillbilly Color / Brandi Homan

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dancing girl press, 2013

Brandi Homan is the author of Two Kinds of Arson, also from dancing girl press. She is a cofounder of the feminist press Switchback Books and will be a doctoral student at the University of Denver in fall 2013. Probably, she loves you.

In Flaming Hillbilly Color

Men with southern accents make me want
to be a military wife. All that rough-necking.
Maybe it’s the good food and bad blood,
Janey knocking Chet’s tooth to the ground
before pressing her lips to his, a strawberry
soothing with female mouth taste. You said
I was stronger than you
and for a minute I believed. You promised
me screaming hairy armadillo babies,
a quartet with a banjo. Don’t you know
we’re already on screen? Look at all this
fatback light. Look at all these broken knees.
I am auditioning for the role of Woman
Whose Husband Will Take Too Much
From Me. I am auditioning for the role of.
If you still love me, Motherfucker,
honk like your life depends on it.