It's been a long time since I've dreamt of someone | Valerie Witte

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Valerie Witte’s writing has appeared in the book a game of correspondence (Black Radish Books, 2015); the chapbook The history of mining (2013, g.e. collective/Poetry Flash); and various literary journals such as VOLT, Diagram, Dusie, Alice Blue, Shampoo, and Interim. She has participated in residencies at The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences, Ragdale Foundation, and La Porte Peinte Center for the Arts in Noyers, France. In 2014 she began a collaboration with Chicago-based artist Jennifer Yorke, and their work appeared in exhibitions in the U.S. and France. She is a founding member of the Bay Area Correspondence School and has helped produce many beautiful books for Kelsey Street Press. Find out more at 



Aerial, a resonant antenna & vice versa; to induce alternating, imitate the anatomy of a river: an artery carries ships at a constant speed, powering the passage of precious data; to determine the course of wind recording a tiny voltage refracted; with intensity diminish noise from accidental radiators; if the magnitude is great, the desired pattern will be indiscernible & we’ll have reached the limit of our communications. 


(author photo: Andrew Hedges)