dancing girl press, 2014
$7.00 |
Alexandra Isacson is an Arizona State graduate who lives and teaches in the Phoenix area. She is the author of the poetry chapbook written to honor the visual arts & humanities, Poetic Anthropologies, (Medulla Publishing, 2011). She is a Pushcart (2012, 2010) & Best of the Net Anthology (2009) nominee.
Iris Dreams
The moon bleeds
white halos
into blue.
Barn owls wing
restless among
palm tree nests,
breaking the night
skin with night shrieks.
Tongue & talons
the quick of
claret foretaste.
Feather gowns drift-
eternal in beds of iris
tissue dreams, shivering
in wind arabesques.
Dawn scores open
the charcoal sky, &
shatter into glass
windows of stained light.