Self Is Wolf / Nicole Oquendo

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dancing girl press, 2015

Nicole Oquendo is a writer, educator, and editor interested in multimodal compositions and translations of nonfiction and poetry. She is a member of the Sundress Publications Board of Directors, an Assistant Editor for Flaming Giblet Press, the Managing Editor of The Florida Review, and the Nonfiction Editor of the annual Best of the Net Anthology. She is the author of the chapbooks some prophets (2015, Finishing Line Press) and self is wolf (2015, dancing girl press), and the hybrid memoir Telomeres (2015, Zoetic Press). 





to choose gender wolf

and sex wolf both

lightly burnt and live electric

fur is upright flexing grass


to identify as packless wolf—

wulf a pronoun and a name—


wolf tooth wolf paw

both waiting wulf baying

at miles of distance a claw pressing

deeper into mud a message when

the curse is broken the word is read

skinning imminent still wulf waits


