Aviva Englander Cristy is a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she serves as a poetry editor for the Cream City Review. Her poems have appeared and are forthcoming in Best New Poets 2012, The Spoon River Poetry Review, BlazeVox, The Hollin's Critic, So to Speak, and decomP magazine, among others.
Want for Absence
Your body, another earthquake, the summary of a shift in ground. I must hone attention, rivet the focus and plant a beacon. Your city is the moment of stillness, the flat earth marked at its center. I cry so easily. I must not confuse lack for desire, want for absence. In one inclination to landscape, my tears valley, my abundance sorrows. Each breath of salted spray is the warmth of a tropical winter. These are hands that steady ground, feet that fear it. I have fled past this shelter again and again. Tonight I am shaken to standing and run. drifted, i knew we meant the same thing.