the shared properties of water and stars
Nocturay Press, 2013
"Kristy Bowen’s newest poetry collection, the shared properties of water and stars, tells the story of trapped people. Told in interconnected prose poems that look and feel like the pages of a miniature story book, Bowen creates a poetic landscape for which her fairy tale archetypes may play. Set in an idyllic suburbia, Bowen’s characters move through the expected planes of their life like ghosts, willing to make meaningful changes to their tedious existences but lacking the power to do so. Rabbits and bears mark property lines and staircases with their animal scents; light sockets spew water thus changing the delineation of human cohabitation. Wild animals constantly creep around the peripheries human vision and won’t shut up at night."
-Heavy Feather Review
A writer and book artist, Kristy Bowen creates a regular series of chapbooks, zines, and artist books. She blogs about writing and art at dulcetly: notes on a bookish life .and runs dancing girl press and studio, an indie press and design studio. She lives in Chicago, where she writes arts, culture, and lifestyle content. Her most recent book projects include ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MONSTER (2022) and DARK COUNTRY (2021).