Marcia Arrieta is a poet, artist, and teacher. She has two previous chapbooks—experimental: (Potes & Poets) and the curve against the linear (Toadlily), and two books of poetry—archipelago counterpoint (BlazeVOX) and triskelion, tiger moth, tangram, thyme (Otoliths). Her work appears in Empty Mirror, DASH, Barrow Street, Fourteen Hills, Posit, Of/with, So to Speak, Eratio, Word For/Word, Icarus Anthology, Great Weather for Media, Osiris, Columbia Journal, and Web Conjunctions. She edits and publishes Indefinite Space—a poetry/art journal—
oak leaves mountain path luminous country
Alice tumbles red ochre sand water Pegasus
The Mind at the End of the Palm
cubism thimbles silhouettes