Twos / Emma Aylor

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dancing girl press, 2014

 Emma Aylor is a contributing editor at MobyLives and a staff writer for the all-lady online review The Female Gaze, and her poetry appears in Used Furniture Review, Handsome, Vinyl, Birdfeast, Keep This Bag Away from Children, Two Serious Ladies, Tender, and elsewhere. She lives in Virginia.


Where I live you varnish our outsides
the broken blue of old pencils. Our address
is half down tender, a quarter up
Main. We sing for your skin, our throats
skimming around your knuckles and into
your nail beds, popping the moons. Our parings
don’t take. You haven’t played guitar
in a year but when you do I will be laundry
lint on your wheels. And how you
sleep there isn’t room for us full
as new white tusks, just mothballs on the phone
at night and slow belled threads in each hand.