dancing girl press, 2013
$7.00 Donna Vorreyer is the author of House of Many Windows (Sundress Publications) and three chapbooks: Womb/Seed/Fruit (Finishing Line Press), Come Out, Virginia (Naked Mannekin Press), and Ordering the Hours (Maverick Duck Press). She is a poetry editor for Mixed Fruit, and her work has appeared in many journals, recently in Sweet, Linebreak, Rhino, Cider Press Review, Stirring, and Wicked Alice. We Build Houses of Our Bodies and Select A New Location Will there be earthquakes, hurricanes, other acts of God? We check for ground stability. We have heard stories about shifting sands. We fear tumbling down and begin to research pilings. We research utilities. We do not want to drink the copper swill of wells. We will need protection, proximity to hospitals. We choose materials last. Rough-hewn lumber may give us splinters, isolate us. What if we choose steel and glass? We could not ever throw stones. Whatever we decide, we must count the cost. |